Customer Experience (CX)

Gartner Customer Experience (CX) Pyramid

Customer Experience (CX) respects the customer point of view as the driving motivation for digital transformations. From it other important areas are derived, like: Backend Processes, User Interfaces (UI), IT Operations Management, Digital Culture and much more

Digitization Stages from Customer Point of View

  • Stage 1: Communication Level – Furnish customers with the information they can use via the right channel at the right time.
  • Stage 2: Responsive Level – Solve the customer’s problem quickly and efficiently – meaning, balance both business and customer goals, measures and strategies.
  • Stage 3: Commitment Level – Listen for, understand and resolve customers’ unique needs.
  • Stage 4: Proactive Level – Provide experiences that resolve needs before customers ask.
  • Stage 5: Evolution Level – Make customers feel better, safer or more powerful.

Video about Customer Experience (CX) Pyramid

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